Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fresh Creativity

Thankful gifts…

#724  Special mom/daughter time for 6 days

#725  scripture painting

#726  2 Thessalonians 5:16-18

#727  Fresh paint.


Fresh paint with a clean pallet.  Fresh smell of paint.  A blank canvas.  Creative juices flowing.  Endless possibilities. 

This week while brother was at camp at Jonathan Creek with a group of kids from church, my daughter had some special mom and daughter time.  One of the things we did was paint.

We got out the grocery store ad newspaper to put under the canvas, pulled out a plastic cup and filled it with water, found many different paintbrushes with different sizes that had been scattered in different drawers around the house, got A LOT of paper towels, washable kid paint and went to work!

We had seen the blog Our Family for His Glory who posts creative ideas and activities a mom done with her children.  I really like the idea, especially since we’re about to re-do our daughter’s room this summer.

We chose a bible verse (one of my favorites that I’m instilling in our children).  Then we started looking through magazines to find the letters for each of those words.  Next we cut them out and taped the letters to the canvas which read”

“Be joyful always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances.”                                 2 Thessalonians 5:16-18


We then painted over the letters on the canvas.  Once it had dried, we pulled the paper letters off and ta-da!


After we finished that project, many others followed.  Just free-hand, free-mind painting.  Abstract…silliness…creativeness….MESSY!!!

It got me to thinking…“In the beginning God created…” 

The very first verb in the bible is “created”. (Genesis 1:1)

HE is creative.   Just look outside your window and see what the Creator did with His creativity! 

The fluffy clouds above, the hundred of different types of leaves in the woods, butterflies and bumblebees landing on flowers, sunrises and sunsets, everything from the vast mountains to the tiny sea shells and even smaller grains of sand.

God is an Artist. 

The universe, and everything in it, is His Masterpiece.

And while He was creating all the things in nature, He was preparing to create us.  And when that time came,

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”  Genesis 1:27

We are made in His image…so we should be creative with the gifts he gives us, too.


More fresh gratitude gifts…

#728  Fresh creativity

#729  Fresh tomato sandwich from garden

#730  Fresh clean sheets (for son when he gets home late from camp and crashes!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Beth,

    I really enjoy reading your blog. However, here I have noticed that 2nd Thessalonians has 3 only Chapters. “Be joyful always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances” is actually from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

    Sister in Christ,

    1. Oh thank you for pointing that typo out!! Thank you for your comment and I'm blessed to hear you enjoyed it. Blessings to you!
