Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Needing constant reminders


It’s really raining hard this morning.


God pouring grace.



The house is very dark except for the little light turned on in the sunroom.   So thankful for a safe and dry place to live…in a two-story brick house covered by a solid roof and laid on a solid foundation.

What a blessing, especially when I think of others without one, or just a shack, or even our Compassion child who lives in a home with cement walls and a dirt floor. 

During these bad storms, my kids and hundreds of others in our community are in a sturdy brick school this morning while only 16% of the children receive a primary level education where our Compassion child lives.


But what brings hope is that Jennifer knows Jesus.  Believes Jesus.  But she and her family need constant reminders of His love and grace, just like our family does. 

Who doesn’t need constant reminder of His love and grace?

It’s so easy for us constant, busy-life people to have spiritual amnesia…where we easily forget about Jesus in our every day life.  We easily forget what Jesus has done for us.  Easily forget about his relentless passion to redeem and save us…every day.  Easily forget about his never-ending promises.  Easily forget about his grace.

God’s grace is enough.

I need to remember that.

What a promise to cling onto in our every day, all-the-time thoughts… no matter how old or young you are or how rich or poor.  We all need that promise of grace and hope to hold onto.




One of the ways our family shares God’s promises is by adopting Jennifer through Compassion. 

Since I’ve been “blogging” (I still feel so weird saying I do that) I’ve found out that September is Compassion’s Blog Month. 

Compassion has set a goal to have 3,108 children taken out of poverty this month…and 1,515 children have been sponsored this month! Let's press on so 1,593 more children can be released from poverty. 

Check it out here:

Also to all my Pintrest friends, check out my Pintrest and “repin” this pin like you see below, to help show your support for Compassion who reach out to children in poverty and need this month.  (and not just blog month but every month!)



Joys found

#914  the comfort of our home

#915  safety from storms

#916  things falling into place

#917  tall pile of folded clothes

#918  raindrops about to fall off a flower

#919  letters from Jennifer

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