Sunday, April 8, 2012

4 gifts rising this Easter day


#317 Praises rise!  Christ the Lord has risen today!  Alleluia!!!



#318 sunrise on Easter morn!  His is risen!  He is the light of the world!


#319 the rising branches of our Lenten tree finally full of paintings that tell God’s story about Jesus saving us that started all the way back in Genesis.  Daily reminders and devotions our family read during Lent.



#320 the rising branches of dogwood tree full of flowers in bloomThey tell the story every time I look at them about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection!  There are 4 petals that represent the cross.  At the end of each petal is a red or dark stain that represents the blood that Jesus shed for you and for me.  In the middle is the thorn that Jesus wore on his head.  The petals… white as snow… represent Jesus’ light (because he has freed us from darkness), victory (because he won the battle of sin for us) and JOY (because we now have new and true life with him and have it abundantly!)  




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