Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gifts in Christ and hope

#518  A gift from Christ is guidance

#519  A gift from Christ is direction

#520  “Whenever you walk to the left or to the right,your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’"  Isaiah 30:21 


God’s guidance will be as clear as a whisper in our ears…when we take the time to listen.

With God’s guidance we can find direction and loving redirection, assurance,  instruction, leadership, teaching and…perfect peace as He guides you.

#521  “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because He trusts in you.”  Isaiah 26:3

This is the way; walk in it…because He trusts you.

That’s for anyone and everyone to hear and see and know.  He has a perfect plan for each one of us and He trusts us to use and do those gifts.

Am I going in God’s direction as a stay-at-home mom, a life and faith book creator, a Creative Memories consultant, a blogger…a Joy Hunter? 

I hope that I am.

#522  I hope that I am walking the way He wants me to go.

#523  I hope I will clearly hear God whisper to me that He trusts me. 

I’m humbled to think…or have to believe because it says to in His Word…that He trusts in me…and you.

I’m humbled for these gifts, too…

#524  hearing the crickets chirp outside in the dark

#525  having windows open at night in June.

#526  laughing at pictures in baby album

#527  Levi our dog having a friend over to play

#528  sunrays stretching down through gray clouds in morning


  1. Praying the guidance and direction you seek brings the blessings and will of God to every aspect of your life!

  2. I gratefully thank you for your comment. I enjoyed checking out your blog...you're such a good photographer and artist! (I also have a love for art) Blessings from God to you as well...
