#540 smiling as our children smile when we say we’re getting a Frosty
#541 smiling at a bird standing on side of road that was just raising and lowering its wings as if it was just needing to stretch
#542 HUGE SMILE…my absolute wonderful and caring husband who I know loves me just registered me to attend the Allume Social conference in October!
What a HUGE WONDER I’m so excited about! I never in my dreams imagined wanting to go to a conference by myself 8 hours away from home with a group of other women whom I’ve never met. For those that know me, they know that I’m much more an introverted person and this will be out of my comfort zone.
Much less, that I’d be going to learn more about writing and blogging! Me! I’ve never been a person who “surfs the net” a lot. I just have my few websites I visit.
I guess the thing I’m most excited about the conference is to learn more about writing. That is something I’ve always enjoyed doing…and even been a dream to write something that maybe others would be interested in reading. It’s only been a dream, and I honestly haven’t been much of a person to “go after your dreams”. It’s probably because I just stay in my bubble, busy, day- to -day life as being a mom and wife. Don’t get me wrong… I do love and consider myself blessed to be a stay-at-home mom… but at the same time the evil one can use my everyday routines to squelch my thought of dreaming or even thinking of asking God to give me the desire of my heart. (Psalm 37:4)
I guess a dream of mine, that I’ve shoved to the bottom of my heart, is to have the boldness of sharing my faith through writing.
My husband has been telling me that I am doing that when I post on my blog. I’ve never imagined having a blog! He just suggested that to me one day this past January and showed me how to set it up that day! It had never been a dream of mine.
I do pray whatever I write for my blog to be what gives God the glory. He is my ONE AUDIENCE.
I do feel though that this is a brand new door God has put before me to open. This is a new chapter in my life story..my faith story. This is part of my journey. This is a huge TRUST GOD opportunity (trusting God that this really His a purpose in my life and even trusting the logistics…I’m registered but that’s it and trusting everything else will fall in place!)
This is a HUGE GIFT!!
I’m so grateful and thankful for my husband giving me the gift of attending this conference…and it’ll even be on my birthday!
More gifts this weekend…
#543 hanging out and line dancing with new and long-time friends at the pool
#544 “For I am His and He is mine - Bought with the precious blood of Christ.”
#545 From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
#546 meatballs and mashed potatoes
#547 our Bigger God is behind every giant in our lives
"Our Bigger God is behind every giant in our lives" I need to remember that!